At Lightspeed Georgia, we are excited to share the world's fastest light-based fencing with our students. Our professional, certified coaches support our students as they learn lightspeed
saber fencing in a safe, fun atmosphere.
We are proud to be the first Lightspeed Saber League Squadron in Georgia
Lightspeed saber classes are held on Saturdays at 12:45pm
We provide all necessary equipment for the first eight weeks of classes
Students 14 years old and up are welcome to visit practice to meet our coaches and fencers
Squadron Leader Coach James Wallace - Certified coach and first certified Knight Counsellor Mach I
Coach Kathy Vail - Certified coach and Knight Counsellor Mach I
Coach Jacob Wachtel - Certified coach and Knight Counsellor Mach I
Coach Mason Huffmaster - Certified coach
Already a fencer? Come train with us!
New to fencing? Come learn with us!
Not sure what fencing is all about: Plan a great Date Night or
Fun Family Activity with us!
Check out our schedule of classes or just let us know when your group would like to learn about our sport and share the excitement of fencing